Thursday, November 13, 2008

unit 2 : assignment 1

  1. 5 purposes of government are to maintain a balance of the people, protect people from other foreign attacks/invasions, to keep a system of money running, to provide public services, and schooling.
  2. If there was a revolution going on because our government wasn’t fulfilling the purposes of government, then yes, I would most likely join. Now if there were things that could be taken away from me, such as my children (that I would probably have by that time in my life), or their freedom, then I might not do it. But if I could fight for something meaningful that would make a change that goes beyond my self, then I would do it. I just wouldn’t want to jeperdize my children’s freedom or their chances that they have to do something meaningful with their life.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Great post and examples. It throws a whole other twist into the question when you are answering that question with children in mind. I hadn't thought of that.

Try to think of original titles for your posts, ok? Well written. 20/20 points.