Thursday, February 26, 2009

unit 6 - assignment 6

I think that the United States has DEFINITELY don't it's share of getting into other countries affairs. Such as one that we're currently involved in right now, which is the Iraq war. If you can tell me what we're actually fighting, then that would be GREAT. I know that we're trying to end terrorism, but come on now! Obviously we're not doing any good what so ever. Also, they say that we're trying to help them form a government. People are capable of doing things themselves. If enough people want a certain type of government, then they will have a certain type of government. It's SO NOT our business about who's doing what inside their own country on the other side of the world.
When the U.S. interveined with the war on freedom between Cuba and Spain, In a way it was a good thing. It was kinda good because the U.S. helped Cuba gain it's Independence from Spain. Although that was good, part of the peace agreement when the war was over was that the U.S. gained control of certain countries, such as the Philippines, Guam, etc. So all in all, we should have just stayed out of it anyways, because, god, it's all the way over there, you know? I don't understand why the U.S. feels like they have to control and fix and help every other country in the world. next thing you know we'll be in China trying to make their communist government democratic.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

act. 1 - unit 6

So the question that I'm being asked is if it's okay to get involved in other people's business. Most of the time, you should keep your mouth shut and just not get involved, because of two things. One, is that you honestly don't know what you're getting yourself into and what the repercussions are. Two is that sometimes it's hard to tell if the people even want you in their business, so just to be on the safe side, just stay to your self. There are those unique situation where someone asks for your opinion or your help, and when that time comes, if you feel alright about it, then more power to you. You just really have to think about it from your prospective (obviously), but also from the other person's, and about what will happen in the end (and the effect of that on you).
One situation where I have gotten into someone else's business was when two of my friends were fighting, and I was trying to help them work it out, but as I pushed and pushed my way into the situation, there were a lot of things that I shouldn't have found out..and didn't want to know. By the time i realized that I should have stayed out of it, it was too late, and I almost lost a good friend.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gilded Age Acrostic thing

G - rowing
I - ndustrial
L - ies from government
D - oomed
E - nlightened
D - ismal

A - cumulated money
G - reedy rich people
E - llis island

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

los problemas de dinero

Does money lead to happiness? I think not. Some people may think that it does, but in the end, being lonely and rich doesn't make you happy. A lot of people are drivin to do certain things by the want for money. Some examples of things that people do when they want money is sell drugs, steal, want material things, etc. People that have money are no better than anyone else, in the way of personality and morals. They may be better off, due to our economy these days, but not better people. How certain people get rich is a mystery to me. It all depends on the situation of the person. Say they worked really hard through school andgot themselves a really good job as a lawyer, and they got rich, that would be because of themselves. Although that is the situation, there are some situations where people inherit company's or money, and that's how they're rich. The people that are very rich do not have a responsibility to share with others, but it might make them sleep a little better a night.