Thursday, November 6, 2008

assignment 1

As of today, I think that immigrants come to the US for more job opportunities, less race discrimination, or for a different government type. A lot of people don’t understand that the race issues in the US are probably not NEARLY as bad as some in other countries. Something a lot of people also don’t realize is that some governments, such as Mexico, are very corrupt, or some such as china’s, are still communist. People use to, and still do, see the US as a sort of haven or escape from their current placement, and I think they’re coming here to start over and have the privileges and rights that they should originally have by just being a person. If I were to have lived back when Europeans chose to move to the British colonies, honestly I have no idea if I would have moved due to economic or religious reasons. It would really have depended on the mindset of the people of that age and time, but if I were not free, that would definitely be a reason that I would move. With that being true, if I were free and the economy was down the drain and there was no income etc., then I definitely would have gone somewhere else. One factor that makes me think otherwise is that it is home, and family etc., that’s there could probably keep me back and poor. Freedom is another story though, because that’s a right you shouldn’t have to earn or acquire.


Antonio Sims said...

nicely done laura.
I dig where u cumin 4rm.
very expressive.

carrie said...

Great post. Lots of details in your argument. I like your statements that freedom is a "right you shouldn’t have to earn or acquire".
After studying this unit you will understand the different motivating factors that drew immigrants to the 13 colonies.

Good post. Some small errors, but overall well written. As is 19/20 points. Keep it up!