On April 12, my mind wasn’t right
Let my master do it, pull my trigger tight
I gave in, didn’t think much of it
But the North got mad and had a fit
Only one decision is what it took
The south didn’t turn back, didn’t even look
A war against brothers is what I started
My pride got in the way, became unguarded
What I started guaranteed no going back
Men stood up and grabbed a haversack
Got a housewife and replica of me
They though that I was the key
Now so many are dead and gone
Pickets scared to blink, or even to yawn
Not even shebangs are found now
Not a single horse or cow
On April 12, my mind wasn’t right
Let my master do it, pull the trigger tight
It was wrong and I feel really bad
It was really wrong, and now I’m mad
- Pvt. Ruffin’s Rifle

A Horrifying scream is the first thing I heard
A tree rattled, it even scared a bird
The grass is muddy; no it’s just stained with blood
I hear another scream; a leg falls with a thud
Another man done, and blood splatters on my walls
The man next in line suddenly passes out and falls
A nurse from behind tosses the leg to a pile
It’s big; it’s been growing for a while
The so called surgeon is pale and calm
No sweat on his body, not even his palm
He is used to the dead, he sees it every day
But I’m not quite sure that he’ll ever be okay
There are mostly jonas that stand outside my walls
They see what’s next, one sits and balls
But they know it’s got to happen, the infection has grown
So they just sit, all alone
All these dead and wounded make me really upset
Everyone will die, now that I will bet
If this madness doesn’t stop soon, I will have to go
Let the wind take me and just fly, flow
- hospital tent
Let my master do it, pull my trigger tight
I gave in, didn’t think much of it
But the North got mad and had a fit
Only one decision is what it took
The south didn’t turn back, didn’t even look
A war against brothers is what I started
My pride got in the way, became unguarded
What I started guaranteed no going back
Men stood up and grabbed a haversack
Got a housewife and replica of me
They though that I was the key
Now so many are dead and gone
Pickets scared to blink, or even to yawn
Not even shebangs are found now
Not a single horse or cow
On April 12, my mind wasn’t right
Let my master do it, pull the trigger tight
It was wrong and I feel really bad
It was really wrong, and now I’m mad
- Pvt. Ruffin’s Rifle

A Horrifying scream is the first thing I heard
A tree rattled, it even scared a bird
The grass is muddy; no it’s just stained with blood
I hear another scream; a leg falls with a thud
Another man done, and blood splatters on my walls
The man next in line suddenly passes out and falls
A nurse from behind tosses the leg to a pile
It’s big; it’s been growing for a while
The so called surgeon is pale and calm
No sweat on his body, not even his palm
He is used to the dead, he sees it every day
But I’m not quite sure that he’ll ever be okay
There are mostly jonas that stand outside my walls
They see what’s next, one sits and balls
But they know it’s got to happen, the infection has grown
So they just sit, all alone
All these dead and wounded make me really upset
Everyone will die, now that I will bet
If this madness doesn’t stop soon, I will have to go
Let the wind take me and just fly, flow
- hospital tent
Very good poem, its seems you have a gift for rhythm and understanding. You incorporated the pictures and the slang into the poems very well. Great Job. The only thing you forgot to include is titles for both.
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